プロ塾講師の勉強の裏技 (9) 世界一理解しやすい英語ー実践編(英検2級・TOEIC・共通テストの問題を読み解く)





 By allowing each person / to produce light (and) electricity / through solar power , / such new inventions are/ reducing the amount of fossil fuels / being burned around the world. // As a result / , these inventions could help / to reduce global pollution /, creating long–term benefits / for the whole planet. //



TOEIC  公式みんなで模擬受験Question  158-160より一部抜粋


When you go to the sign–in page / for the first time /, simply follow the steps shown there / for setting up a new password . // To maintain access to the system / , you must remember to update your password every six  months . // As you approach the six-month mark /, the system will  automatically  e-mail  you  a  reminder . //





Yellowstone National Park, / located in the northern United States, / became the world’s first national park in 1872. // One of the major attractions / of this  2.2-millionacre park is the large variety of animals. //Some people say / that Yellowstone is the best place in the world / to see wolves. // 



黒文字 は従属接続詞、 ( )は等位接続詞、下線は前置詞、赤文字は主語+動詞青文字は目的語緑文字は説明語紫文字は修飾語、を意味します。/ は意味の句切れ目、 // は文の句切れ目を表します。この方法に慣れれば返り読みをせず前から逐次意味をとることができるようになり、速読即解が可能になり英文を楽に読むことができるようになります。